
Mini Dark Chocolate Banana Bread… With a Surprise!

I’ve been baking a lot with Banana Bread recently. It makes me laugh because I once had 44 lbs of banana at my disposal and baked around 50 loaves of bread as a result.

Around this time last year, Zack and I stopped by his local Farmer’s Market during a long weekend trip home from college.

Due to the dropping temperatures, a woman was selling her crates of bananas for $1. So logically, Zack bought the largest one: 44 pounds of banana.

Ironically enough, this past summer he developed an allergy to banana and as a result, there are always leftover bananas in our house which obviously means I need to bake something up!

This is my favorite dark chocolate banana bread recipe stuffed with crushed up Halloween Oreos (because they just taste better) & finished with a spooky chocolate glaze!




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